Stumbling across some truly colorful art was an unexpected perk of hopping a few planes back to Nevada to finalize moving. Welcome to the travel side of my blog, which will inherently include non-rural experiences along with scenic nature ones! I hope you enjoy the urban jungle as much as I did.

It already felt like summer back in Las Vegas, as evidenced by these stunning flowers I encountered. If you know what type they are, please let me know in the comments!

While out and about, I passed a church with some fascinating, highly-detailed mosaics decorating the exterior.

The artistic touch of the church inspired me to play the tourist in my old stomping grounds, and I spent several hours hitting the sidewalks of the Arts District and cruising the streets of Downtown Las Vegas.
One of my absolute favorite discoveries was some delightfully bright street art bursting its neon heart out with positive messages.

Seeking out more murals and graffiti, I found a fabulous mix of color and monochrome to feast the senses on.
While wandering down Fremont Street, I came upon a whimsical "train", just begging to be taken on a spin around a festival. I thought it paired nicely with these old clocks I saw painted across a building I spotted, earlier - together they give off a bit of a steampunk vibe.

This striking piece of art made me hit the brakes for a picture - a threatening yet stunning bird of prey, talons out!

As I drove through the city in search of further inspiration, my wish came true as I saw a jumbled mass of brightly-colored shapes in a parking lot. Deciding to investigate, I popped a u-turn and pulled in to walk through the mystifying scene. Immense figures of safari animals and dinosaurs lay strewn about the asphalt, with frames broken and fabric coverings torn open like a surreal massacre. Towering floral displays and twinkling trees lay scattered on the ground.

I only got a few shots off before I was approached and informed that this was meant to be a lantern festival, but the vicious winds the previous few days had ripped their plans to shreds. I wished them well in repairing the damage, and I hope to see this vivid lantern display lighting up the night someday in the future.
Meanwhile, I couldn't resist the adorable assortment of cute, colorful faces that I met in the city...

...Can you tell I gravitate toward bright colors? Though I must admit, the snowman-nosed figure with the starry face gazing at the bird seems to have a doleful undertone, to me. "Vincent", anyone?
Last on this trip, I finally got up close and personal with some of the creations gracing the grounds of Artistic Iron Works; a fitting epilogue to my time in Vegas, as the stagecoach on their street corner was the first thing that turned my head upon my initial visit to the city, almost exactly two years ago.

Man-made designs can be incredible, and I had an absolute ball scouring the city for dazzling artwork, but I am thrilled to be heading back to our new small town, surrounded on all sides by pure nature and abiding stillness. I am grateful for the opportunity to see the best of both worlds.
