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Jackson Hole over Togwotee Pass

As a lover of mountains, I couldn't have been more thrilled to lay eyes on the Teton Range near Jackson, Wyoming. Dusted in snow and cloaked by mist, the gorgeous mountains were definitely worth the slippery drive over Togwotee Pass.

On the way, I caught glimpses of many rocky buttes peaking through the fog, with spring snow weighing heavy on the trees.

Breathtaking slopes and beckoning snowmobiling expanses met me at every curve. It was a perfect winter playground.

Mountains near Togwotee Pass near Jackson, Wyoming

Mountains near Togwotee Pass near Jackson, Wyoming

The frost coating the trees was amazing, and I believe nothing can make mountains look more beautiful than a fresh snowfall!

Mountains near Togwotee Pass near Jackson, Wyoming

Upon my arrival in Jackson Hole, I was greeted with signs warning of moose, buffalo, and elk on the roads. Hoping to catch a glimpse, I spotted a wild furball far off in the distance, instead.

Wildlife near Jackson, Wyoming

Then, there they were - the Tetons, majestic and larger than life. I had no idea they would be so stunning, and it was certainly a memorable sight. They make you feel as if you've been transported to the Swiss Alps!

Teton Range in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The whole range was strikingly beautiful, powder-coated and epic. I can see why great movies such as Shane were filmed in the shadow of these mountains. A massive elk herd grazes peacefully in a refuge across from the pinnacles, and I even got to watch a moose tearing bark off a tree next to the road, my first time in Jackson.

Teton Range in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The mist on this trip wound through the different layers of the mountains, and I knew I would be coming back to see these beauties, soon...

Teton Range in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

And so we did, a few weeks after my initial trip. Here's a wide shot of the range, sans mist, this time around...

Teton Range in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

We set out to explore the town, taking in the Square and the famous antler arches made of local, naturally-shed elk antlers. Our rescue pup had a crash course in stranger desensitization, and we meandered around, checking out the local scenery.

Skull decor in Jackson, Wyoming

We passed a cute little fence with skis for posts, tiny trees still decorated for Christmas in spring, and graffiti philosophically affirming "The perfume of silence." Always game for some good street art, I appreciated this doe-eyed bull moose, and a spring evening landscape taking up the entire side of a building.

Moose street art in Jackson, Wyoming

Teton street art mural in Jackson, Wyoming

We stopped off at the Cultivate Cafe for lunch, where we devoured some tasty Vegan Nacho Fries, and I snapped a few pictures of the cute western decor, and of a pretty stained glass display inside the restaurant.

Vegan Nacho Fries from Cultivate Cafe in Jackson, Wyoming
Stained glass of the Tetons in Jackson, Wyoming

After exploring Jackson, we threaded through the mountains and all the way to Thayne, a charming town flanked by some lovely snowy peaks.

Snowy mountains near Thayne, Wyoming

Our little dog had a fantastic time playing with a partially-deflated soccer ball left behind at a park, while my boyfriend entertained my desire to spin on the various contraptions at the playground. Tuckered out after a great day, we finally began our hours-long journey home, starting with a trip back up the absolutely gorgeous Snake River.

Snowy mountains and Snake River in Wyoming

Passing the Tetons at sunset, I couldn't resist one more picture before we slipped into the darkness and headed back for the pass, hardly seeing another car in the blissful calm before the tourist season. For now, we're free to be live-in tourists, and we are grateful for each month we spend full-time in this vacation destination.

Sunset over Teton Range in Jackson Hole, Wyoming


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